Web Hosting

As a Web Hosting service provider we provide secure web hosting for clients at affordable prices. We offer wide range of services including

  • Reliable web hosting services
  • Shared Linux Hosting
  • Shared Windows Hosting
  • Cloud Hosting servers
  • Domain name registration, renewal and transfer
  • Email hosting

When Internet users want to view your website, all they need to do is type your website address or domain into their browser. Their computer will then connect to your server and your web pages will be delivered to them through the browser. Most hosting companies require that you own your domain in order to host with them. If you do not have a domain, the hosting companies will help you purchase one.

Types of Web Hosting Services

There are various types of web hosting services available to host your website. Before signing up for web hosting services, it is important to understand what kind of service your website needs, the kind of server you or your business needs, your budget, and what type of services the web host offers.

Hosting options available are:

- Website Builders
- Shared Hosting
- Dedicated Hosting
- Collocated Hosting